Formwork and concrete installation: New ZealandHouse du Plessis: Vrede Estate, PaarlHouse Krynauw: De Balke Estate, StellenboschHouse Krynauw: De Balke Estate, StellenboschHouse Burger - Le Joubert Estate, PaarlOceanview Heights, StruisbaaiHouse Steenkamp: StellenboschZevenwacht Country Estate, KuilsrivierLe Joubert Estate, PaarlHouse van Zyl: Zevenwacht Country Estate, KuilsrivierVrede Estate, PaarlHouse Claassen, Paarl


Qualideck designs and manufactures a pre-cast concrete slab system. The system consists of the conventional reinforced ribs (not strained wires) with interlocking blocks. With the blocks there are two options, one being a cement block and the other a polystyrene block.